Spring Cleaning Tips for Bowlers

Colorful cleaning supplies for spring

While front line workers are incredibly busy keeping society afloat (And we thank them for their service, whether they’re medical professionals, grocery store workers, janitors, first responders, truck drivers, etc.!) if you’re one of the millions of people stuck at home due to the coronavirus pandemic, it’s likely that cabin fever is setting in. Turns out, wearing pajamas every day and having unlimited time to work through the Netflix queue isn’t as fun as it sounded a month ago! If you’re looking for ways to stay busy and distract yourself from the news, we’ve got a solution for you: Spring cleaning

If there were ever a time to deep clean your home, car, etc., it’s now. So dust off those ceiling fan blades, wash a window, organize your junk drawer/closet/room, gather donations for Goodwill, or de-cobweb the attic. And don’t forget that your bowling equipment could use a spring cleaning, too! 

Check out these tips for cleaning bowling equipment, and get your gear in tip top shape for when you’re eventually able to bowl again. We can’t wait to see you back on the lanes when it’s safe to do so!

How to Clean Bowling Balls and Equipment

As you know, bowling lanes are oiled to make the balls glide more easily. After each shot, you’ll notice that your ball has oil residue that it picked up on its way down the lane. You should be wiping your ball down between each shot (use a soft, microfiber cloth) to remove most of the oil, but you also need to clean your ball more thoroughly at the end of the game and later at home. 

  • Always spray your ball with ball cleaner and give it a quick wipe down with your microfiber towel before placing it into your bowling bag. This will help keep your ball from soaking up the oil, and will also keep your bag nice and clean.
  • If you don’t have bowling ball cleaner or want to make your own at home, you can use a mixture of equal parts isopropyl alcohol, water, and an all-purpose cleaner like Simple Green. Just mix them up in a spray bottle for an inexpensive and safe DIY alternative. 
  • Some experts recommend against using harsh chemical cleaners like Windex, but regardless of what you use, you do not want to let the cleaner soak into the ball for too long. It’s also important not to get liquid inside the ball, so tape up the holes if needed using waterproof tape. 

Eventually, you’ll need to have your bowling ball deep cleaned even if you wipe it down regularly. There are many DIY approaches to deep cleaning bowling balls, but the best way to clean a ball and protect the integrity of the coverstock is to have it professionally cleaned at a pro shop. If you’re interested in our bowling pro shop services, contact us!