Summer is almost here, and that means you’ll have even more time to spend with your kids. Bowling makes for a great summer family activity, and even young children can learn how to bowl with a little help from you. Here are a few tips to teach children how to bowl:
Keep it Low Pressure – First and foremost, keep it fun and age appropriate. Bowling is a game and games should be fun. Putting too much pressure on little kids to “get it right” is a sure way to turn them off of the sport.
Explain the Rules and Etiquette – Kids are more likely to follow well-explained rules that they understand. Explain the need to wear bowling shoes and other basic etiquette like not stepping onto the lane. Stepping onto the lane is more than just a technicality, it’s a safety issue due to the slipping hazard. This step will help your child better understand the game, and help keep them safe.
Get Them an Appropriately Sized Ball – Your child is likely going to want to show off by using a big ball like you do, but not only is this is a safety issue, it’s also going to make them less effective (and probably frustrated). An appropriately sized ball is always going to be more accurate (and fun) than a ball that is too big.
Practice! – Teaching them rules and theory is great, but the best way to teach children how to bowl is to hit the lanes with them and show them how much fun bowling is!