Looking for a new hobby, sport, or way to meet people? Or perhaps you bowl occasionally and want to do it more often. Whatever your reasons, bowling is a great activity to add to your life! Check out some of the mental and physical benefits of bowling below, and plan your visit to Richmond 40 Bowl for one of our open bowling sessions, cosmic bowling, or even a bowling lesson.
Did you know you can actually burn around 273 calories an hour from bowling? Depending on how much of the game you spend seated vs. playing, this can be a great way to burn some calories without even breaking a sweat.
Bowling also requires upper body strength, as the average bowling ball weighs 14-16 lbs. Lifting the ball to shoot can definitely help you tone your arms! Bowling can also help you improve your flexibility and balance, using muscles you didn’t even realize you had to help you balance the extra weight of the ball and stabilize your body as you throw.
With the stresses of work, family, and just everyday life, it’s important to make time for socializing with friends and meeting new people. The bowling alley is the perfect place to do this, whether you have a standing date with a friend or opt to join one of our Richmond, IN bowling leagues.
In addition to the physical and social benefits of bowling, it’s also a good sport for those who want to stay mentally sharp. Bowling requires focus, concentration, and the ability to calm your mind and re-set even if you make a bad shot. If you’re interested in the mental aspect of bowling, check out our tips for improving your mental bowling game.
Of course, the main benefit of bowling is that it’s simply FUN. Come on out to our Richmond bowling alley whenever you’re looking for a good night out!