Bowling terms can be a bit daunting for those who are new to the sport. Whether you’re bowling for fun or competition, it’s important to understand the jargon and lingo used by bowlers. If you’ve ever been in a bowling alley and overheard a conversation about strikes, spares, and gutter balls, you may have felt left out of the loop. But fear not! In this blog post, we will go over some common bowling terms and their meanings, so you can walk the walk and talk the talk of a pro bowler.
When you’re just starting out in the world of beginner bowling, it can be easy to feel a bit intimidated by all the technical jargon that seasoned pros throw around. However, once you learn a few key terms and understand their meanings, you’ll be well on your way to talking the talk like a pro!
Let’s start with some of the most basic bowling terms: strike and spare. A strike occurs when you knock down all 10 pins on your first ball, while a spare occurs when you knock down all 10 pins using two balls. These are the two most desirable outcomes when bowling.
Of course, not every roll is going to be a success. When you throw the ball into the gutter, it’s called a gutter ball. This can be a frustrating experience for beginners, but don’t worry – even advanced bowling pros throw gutter balls from time to time.
Now, let’s move on to some more advanced bowling terms. Have you ever heard someone talking about a “turkey” or a “hambone”? These are both terms for when a bowler achieves three strikes in a row (a turkey) or four strikes in a row (a hambone). Achieving either of these feats is considered a major accomplishment in the world of advanced bowling.
Another important term to know is “foul line”. This is the line that separates the approach area (where you start your throw) from the lane. If you step over this line, it’s considered a foul, and any pins you knock down on that throw won’t count toward your score.
Finally, let’s talk about hook and curve. These terms refer to the way the ball moves through the air and on the lane. A hook is when the ball curves sharply to the left (for right-handed bowlers) at the end of its path, while a curve is a gentler, more gradual turn. Learning to control the hook or curve of your ball can make a huge difference in your bowling success.
Now that you know the basics of these key bowling terms, you’re well on your way to talking like a pro. So get out there, practice your technique, and start impressing your fellow bowlers with your newfound knowledge! Come out to Richmond 40 Bowl for open bowling to try it out!