When it comes to making a New Year’s Resolution, a lot of people fall back on the old standbys: eat better, get fit, watch less TV. That’s all well and good, but wouldn’t you rather make a fun resolution in 2018? Why not try something new this year, like bowling?
Not only is a learning something new fun, it’s also good for you in so many ways:
Improved Brain Function. Learning a new skill keeps your mind fresh. There’s even evidence that it helps to create new connections between brain tissue, which can help to prevent dementia. Plus, exercise is good for your brain as well. Bowling isn’t as much of a workout as some sports, but it does get you up and moving!
Time with Friends. There’s no better way to meet new people than to try something new. Bowling has the benefit of being a social game, with plenty of time for chatting and getting to know each other. That also makes it a great way to reconnect with family or old friends.
Bowling is Fun! Having fun is good for you, but beyond that, it’s important because it’s fun. Not everything has to have an ulterior motive–sometimes it’s ok to just have a good time!
A lot of New Year’s Resolutions fail because they’re unrealistic. This year, give yourself a break and resolve to do something you’ll enjoy. Check out the open bowling times at Richmond 40 Bowl, get your friends together, and come make 2018 the best year ever!